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imac_retina_5kiMac with Retina 5k display
iMac has always been about having a huge, immersive place to see and create amazing things. So making the best possible iMac meant making the best possible display. The new 27-inch iMac with Retina 5K display has four times as many pixels as the standard 27-inch iMac display. So you experience unbelievable detail. On an unbelievable scale.
*other variants of iMac also available

macbook_proMacBook Pro
Every Mac comes with a collection of great apps for things you do every day, like surfing the web, sending mail and messages, and organising your calendar. It also comes with apps for creativity and apps for productivity. Even an app for finding new apps. Your Mac is more than full-featured, it’s fully loaded.
*MacBook Pro with Retina display also available
*MacBook Air also available