Sub-compact unit with a 20+ meter protection area.  Suitable for installations that require little coverage area such as CCTV, Tornado Sirens and Relay Towers.  Can be stacked to create larger coverage areas or to protect inline communications in rail and pipeline operations.



The CMCE SERTEC NANO PROTECTOR aims to protect people, animals and structures in installations on land, from any electrical phenomenon driven through the air.

The CMCE SERTEC NANO is designed to compensate the electroatmospheric effects, compensating and stabilizing the current of the electric charges in the environment, draining them to earth in harmless milliamps.

The CMCE SERTEC NANO is the result of the discovery of the behavior of electroatmospheric phenomena that interact in the atmosphere of the planet. The novelty of this technological development is supported by the well-known laws of OHM and Maxwell’s equations, on which atmosphere referring to ground in the protection area. The system behaves passively at the level of prevention, based on atmospheric electrical activity with the aim of maintaining a clean and controlled environment of electrical contamination.


The multiple compensator of electric field, CMCE SERTEC NANO is a passive sensor system designed to balance and deionize at all times the effects of atmospheric phenomena through multiple compensators, generating a protective shield in its coverage area, its operating principle is based on compensating, stabilizing the existing electric field in its environment, in this way it cancels the formation of the ascending tracer neutralizing the lightning draining the electric charges to earth, in harmless milliamperes.


  • All models must be installed at a height of 3m. above the highest point to be protected
  • Developed for Small deposits Telecommunications Towers, Medium and High Voltage Power Lines, Traffic Lights, Small Radars, Road Cameras, Garitas, and other structures that can be covered by their protection radius.
  • Cover radius: 25m
  • Weight: 980 grams (Gross)
  • Measures: 17cm Height x 10 cm diameter
  • Packaging: Galvanized Metallic Material
