The MOBILE MET PLATFORM has been designed and adopted as theatre MET centre. In case of force projection, it enables work of the forecasters and guarantees an optimum quality of meteorological briefing to pilots.


The French Air Force and the French Army chose the MESSIR systems developed by COROBOR because of their established reputation as high performance systems in the world of meteorology and their fully integrated configuration.

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MESSIR systems provide the perfect answer to the special need of the Force for easily transportable, usable and maintainable systems. They constitute the heart of the Mobile Met Platform.

With the Mobile Met Platform, army forecasters can have instant access to all the necessary meteorological data and products, with an extremely precise overview of the local weather situation.

Direct satellite reception (from METEOSAT MSG, APT-NOAA) combined with data collection from embedded vertical sounding station and automated weather observation system (AWOS) ensures a maximum accuracy and reliability of forecasts.


This data is ingested by the MESSIR-COMM Meteorological Telecommunication System. Data can then be stored on the MESSIR-COMM database and/or dispatched towards end-user workstations. MESSIR-COMM can also receive data from the Force’s own telecommunications system using specific private leased lines or military liaisons to Headquarters.


The meteorological information can be visualized, manipulated and combined on the MESSIR-VISION workstations. Met products issued by MESSIR-VISION are then printed or re-routed on the MESSIR-COMM switch and dispatched to the relevant end-user terminals via the MESSIR-NET Intranet server.
