Vaisala WXT520 Multi-Parameter Weather Sensor

The Vaisala Weather Transmitter WXT520 measures barometric pressure, humidity, precipitation, temperature, and wind speed and direction.

  • Measures 6 most essential weather parameters as WXT510
  • Low power consumption – works also with solar panels
  • Compact, light-weight
  • Easy to install
  • No moving parts
  • Vaisala Configuration Tool for PC
  • USB connection
  • Housing with mounting kit IP66
  • Applications: weather stations, dense networks, harbors, marinas


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The Vaisala WXT520 multi-parameter weather sensor simultaneously measures wind speed and direction, liquid precipitation, barometric pressure, temperature, and relative humidity with an unparalleled combination of performance and value. The sensor consumes little power and has no moving parts, making it ideal for remote weather stations. A number of options are available, including a heated version, bird deterrent kit, USB service cable, lightning surge protector, and M12 cable connector assembly.

All measurements are based on proven Vaisala technology, including the PTU module for barometric pressure, temperature, and humidity; the WINDCAP sensor for wind speed and direction; and the RAINCAP sensor for rainfall, rain intensity, and duration. The precipitation measurement detects the impact of individual rain drops, which is proportional to the volume of the drops. The signal from each drop is converted directly to the accumulated rainfall.

The Vaisala WXT520 multi-parameter weather sensor housing with mounting kit is water-resistant to IP66, completely protecting the internal components from dust and low-pressure jets of water. The sensor includes an SDI-12 output for interfacing with standard data loggers. Data collection options include direct-connect, landline phone, cellular, radio, Ethernet, WI-FI, and satellite telemetry.